1 April 2025
2024/10/17 - 17:33 View: 204

New Announcement from the Compensation Committee for the legal heirs of the victims of Flight 752 of Ukraine

The Compensation Committee for the Survivors of the Ukraine Flight at the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development has announced: while expressing condolences once again and showing sympathy to the respected families of the victims of Ukraine Flight 752 it informs that according to Resolution No. 118136/ت 55341 هـ dated 2021/01/05 of the Council of Ministers the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development is obligated to honor comfort and expedite the payment of the mentioned resolution amount to the legal heirs of each of the victims regardless of nationality gender and age in accordance with the implementation guidelines of the above resolution. Therefore legal heirs of the victims are kindly requested to contact the following phone numbers: 021- 88384211 and 88384212 during office hours to obtain information and begin the mentioned process. Additionally related messages can also be received via email at ContactPs752@mrud.ir.


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